salem2salem 2019
Vom 1. bis 25. August 2019 fand zum zehnten Mal das internationale und interdisziplinäre Kunstprojekt „salem2salem“ statt. Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus Deutschland, Israel und aus den USA trafen sich 2019 bei SAW (Salem Art Works) in Salem im Bundesstaat New York.
Ten years in the making, salem2salem has changed the lives of so many people from the United States and Germany. s2s now has a life of its own. This shared, threeweek multidisciplinary period blurs the lines between all disciplines–artists see the relativeness of all facets of expression and methodologies. (Antony Carfritz)
Going into its 10th year, more than a hundred artists from all over the world have participated in the exchange program salem2salem. It all began with the name Salem. Two places with the same name: Salem Castle on the Lake Constance in Germany and Salem in Upstate New York. (Dr. Stefan Feucht)